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Top 10 bio septic tank companies in Tamilnadu Decentralized Onsite Bio Septic tank Water treatment


What is wastewater? OR LIQUID WASTE? Liquid waste is the used water from the household which is no longer fit for human consumption. There are two types of liquid wastes as follows: Types of Waste Water I. Domestic Wastewater 1. House Hold wastewater – Sewage water 2. Toilet water / black water / septic tank water 3. Bath/wash water/kitchen water – Greywater (soak pit water) II. Industrial wastewater – Effluent wastewater (Separate article written on this topic) Current Challenges in Sewage management – (Septage management) 1. Lack of Sewer system in urban / rural areas. 2. Huge investment to create a complete sewer system and to create government needs min.20-25 years. Even then the population keeps growing, never-ending problem. 3. Lack of sewage treatment plants and also a lack of cost-effective technologies. In a nutshell, providing sewer line and treatment & maintenance cost is high. It is a capital intensive and time-consuming process What is the solution??? Anaerobic Soil Bio Treatment System What is Anaerobic Soil Bio Treatment System? Treat Household wastewater (without aeration)in septic tank using bio culture and through the gravity filtration process connects to the subsoil surface for oxidizing the water. Water Quality in a conventional septic tank? Conventional Septic Tank water Before treatment „ What is the solution??? Any guess Treated septic tank water using tablets / Bio e Treated septic tank water using Bio tablets / Bio enzymes BIO SEPTIC TANK RCC / Concrete Bio tank outcome of the The outcome of the technology 1. One time green septic tank solution for your entire waste water problem. 2. Very less investment – 30% savings as compared to the construction of the conventional septic tank 3. Prevent septic tank lorry pump-out, hence save huge money. 4. Save space - The Bio tank is installed below the ground, hence space can be utilized for parking/any other purpose. 5. Zero maintenance. (only bio tablets dosage) 6. No electricity for treating water. 7. Save our environment – groundwater, water bodies, and soil. List of Top 10 Bio septic tank companies in Tamilnadu (in no particular order) 1.PRATIKS ENVIRO SOLUTIONS 2. KG Cements / KG Bio Septic Tanks 3. Eureka septic tank 4. Bio Man 5. Tamilnadu Septic tank / Tamilnadu Nonfilling Bio Septic Tank 6. DRDO Bio Digester tank / DRDO Septic tank bacteria. 7. FOSSA- Bio sewage systems 8. Ultima bio septic tank system 9. Vijay BioTech 10. Mak Bio Toilet 11. ABG Urekha | Bio Non-Filling Septic Tank  12. Perfect Bio Septic Solutions


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