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The Hidden Potential of Bio Sewage Treatment Plants Unveiled

Writer's picture: Srija RSrija R

For treating human waste and sewage, bio sewage treatment plants offer an attractive alternative to conventional treatment plants. They work on the principle of anaerobic digestion, made possible by adding ‘biotablets’ into the plant. Anaerobic digestion happens in the absence of air, whereby the waste is biologically degraded into effluent which can be safely reused for irrigating a garden or a farm. 

These plants bring a multitude of benefits, and can be used in residential, commercial and industrial settings. 

Key advantages of bio sewage treatment plants:

No electricity required 

A main drawback of many conventional sewage treatment models is that they consume energy to do their job. In an era when energy is becoming a scarce resource and we all should be careful about our consumption of it, this becomes an even bigger problem. A bio sewage treatment plant, on the other hand, doesn’t require power at all. Over its lifetime, this helps you save substantially on electricity bills. 

No bad odour 

Arguably, the most noticeable problem with a typical septic tank is the bad odour that it can generate. With a bio sewage treatment plan, you can avoid that problem. Given how it is a closed system, it emits zero unit of odour, so you can breathe easy. The lack of stench also has health benefits. For instance, stench could attract flies and other insects to the vicinity, which can result in a hygiene crisis. With a bio sewage treatment plants, you don’t have to worry about that problem. 

Less capital cost 

If you choose a reliable, and patented bio treatment plant system- like the one from Pratiks Enviro Solutions- you save 20% on capital investment compared to conventional sewage plants. 

Less operational costs

Compared to its conventional counterparts, a bio sewage treatment plant takes less cost to operate. You can save around 85% on operation costs using the technology from Pratiks Enviro Solutions. 

No manpower is required to operate

It’s a system that reduces human waste into its reusable and nature-friendly constituent parts, with hardly any human intervention required. This leads to even more savings since you wouldn’t need to spend on hiring manpower. 


We live in an era of widespread erosion in the quality of the natural environment. Every pro-nature action helps in this context; which makes a bio sewage treatment plants even more significant. The biodegradation process converts human waste into effluent and gases which can safely be discharged into nature without harming it. Even better, the effluent could be used to irrigate a garden or a farm. 

Reduces carbon footprint by 90% 

Carbon emission is a huge contributing factor to the ongoing climate change crisis. Installing a bio treatment of sewage is one meaningful step you can take to reduce the carbon footprint of your household or building. Using it, you can reduce carbon footprint by 90% compared with conventional bio STP in Tamilnadu

Very little sludge accumulation

As mentioned before, the treatment plant employs the method of anaerobic digestion, which means the waste is converted efficiently into effluents, with very little sludge generation. This negates the need for regular sludge removal. At most, you would need to remove sludge once every year. 

Endures for long 

A bio plant sewage treatment stays intact for a long time, so you wouldn’t have to worry about replacing or renovating it frequently. This obviously has cost advantages, not to mention relieving you from the many hassles such replacements or renovations result in. 

No cleaning required 

A messy aspect of maintaining a conventional sewage water treatment is cleaning it. That can be avoided if you use a bio stp plant since it doesn’t require any cleaning. 

Quick installation

A bio sewage water treatment can be installed in as short a time as 48 hours. So, you can start enjoying the benefits of the plant without delay. 

Things to consider while choosing a bio sewage treatment plant 

Now that you have seen the incredible potential of bio sewage treatment plant near me, you may want to consider getting one for your property. But before doing that, keep these two things in mind: 

Credibility of the technology used 

The technology used for treating human waste is critical to the efficiency of the plant. It is important, then, to ensure that the technology is credible, and the best way to do it is to check where it has been used before, and also see if relevant certifications are in place.

Check if the treated water matches relevant quality norms 

There are bound to be quality norms for treated water as mandated by authorised bodies. Before choosing a stp water, check if the vendor ensures that the water matches the norms. 

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